AQUME Foundation is a grassroots organization. Our 2022 Gold Gala raised $30k in endowment dollars. The reality is that the needs of our communities are pervasive and far outweigh our foundation’s resources, but we are committed to doing all that we can to bring forth our liberation! This is why AQUME Foundation made the commitment to give out the entire $30k
endowment in 2023 via grants, scholarships, and event sponsorships. We hope to give out just as much if not more, grant support dollars for 2024.
The decision to name this grant cycle OUR JUSTICE was very intentional! The disparities experienced by communities of color continue to grow greater by the day. We understand the concept of justice is rooted in long-term equity principles, and it calls for every person to be treated in a manner that is equitable and fair, but that’s not enough! Justice also requires equity in the laws and systems that govern our communities. We want to see true liberation for our communities of color today! Our collective community transformation efforts require power and resources. OUR JUSTICE grants are intended to provide that by investing in our Black organizations.
AQUME Foundation leads with innovation. As a result, the OUR JUSTICE Grant Fund does not have the traditional list of “priority funding areas.” We believe the community will tell us where the dollars are most needed by the types of grant applications submitted in each funding cycle. We do not want to stifle the creativity and growth of our Black organizations by categorizing and siloing our grant dollars.
The OUR JUSTICE Grant Fund will award ten $2500.00 grants to eligible organizations this funding cycle. AQUME Foundation will always lead with the Black experience in all that we do. Thus, in full transparency, the majority of grants will intentionally be made to Black-led organizations. Yet, we encourage all our sibling organizations of color to apply because we see you and want to support you, too!
Grant Eligibility:
Your organization must be a Black-led organization. That means your organization
must meet one of the following criteria:
o 1) founded by a person of color AND currently led by a person of color AND serve one or more communities of color; or
o 2) currently led by a person of color AND serve one or more communities
of color.
Proof of tax exemption status such as 501c3 status or proof of partnership with a fiduciary who has tax exemption status. (If you have any questions about fiduciaries and/or the process, please email info@aqumefoundation.org with your contact information, and our team will help you to identify your fiduciary needs based on your grant goal(s).) *Please note that AQUME Foundation will not serve as the fiduciary for any grants awarded by the foundation, but we will help connect you to a trusted community partner.
Located in Kent County, MI.
If the information above is in alignment with your organization, then we want to be in a relationship with you! Please fill out the Partnership Form below to be considered for a grant award and to start your relationship with AQUME Foundation. Email info@aqumefoundation.org if you have any questions.
This form is only available from July 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024
Applications are set to open on July 1, 2024.